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Building Plugins for PageCarton

PageCarton has an elegant plugin features. PageCarton Plugins are components that are added to a PageCarton installation to extend its capabilities. The word “plugin” and “extension” may be seen to...

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Settings Module

Settings modules are the PHP Classes that prepare to take data in the user-defined plugin settings area. PageCarton Core allows plugins to take user-defined data to be able to alter the behavior of...

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PageCarton System Requirements

This guide covers detailed system requirements for a PageCarton installation. To install and run PageCarton your web server must meet certain minimum requirements.

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Installing PageCarton

PageCarton is said to be one of the easiest to install among software of it's kind. Under most circumstances, installing PageCarton is a very simple process and takes less than five minutes to comp...

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Changing Number of Posts to Display on a Widget

Another interesting customization feature just came in the latest PageCarton. Users of PageCarton can now change the number of post shown in embedded widget from the admin panel. For example, be...

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